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An Update on Our Prices

An Update on Our Prices
A Message to Our Community: 

We joined Kickstarter in 2013 with a clear mission: to make modern artisanal fragrance.

This idea brought to life an intuitive collection of elemental scents—quality fragrance that’s no longer hidden behind industry jargon and complex descriptions.

Our desire for modern fragrance then inspired Scent Space, an industry first of letting customers choose their scent’s projection without sacrificing its longevity.

But in order to keep looking forward, we need to make changes to our pricing. We want to assure you that this decision is necessary in order to sustain the quality that you have come to expect and our long-term future.

Therefore, effective August 8, 2023, some of our prices will increase from 15-40 AED. 

A full price breakdown is below:


Old Price

New Price

Full-size 100ml fragrances

540 AED

580 AED

Exploration Kit

155 AED

170 AED

Personal Discovery Kit

95 AED

95 AED

Expressive Discovery Kit

95 AED

95 AED

Bold Discovery Kit

95 AED

95 AED

Although we tried our best to keep changes to a minimum, you’re welcome to use this time to stock up on any scents at their current price.

If you have any questions, please contact us here.